Saturday 19 March 2011

News of an old adversary

Word reaches me from the Twitterverse that an erstwhile adversary from my Harlow days, Robert Halfon MP, is under threat of legal action for defamation from Liverpool John Moores University over views he has expressed about links between Libya and British universities - information here and here.

Clearly, having stood against him in two General Elections (2001 and 2005) I'm not a particular supporter of Robert's. But Liverpool John Moores' actions in this case seem to me quite illiberal, and I'm therefore pleased that Robert is being represented in this case by the estimable David Allen Green, prominent legal blogger, Twitterer and campaigner for libel law reform.

I'm looking forward to the Government's forthcoming review of the libel laws, and hope that the draft Bill will be further improved as it passes through Parliament to address the concerns that remain.

And in the meantime, Robert, I wish you well on this one.
